Facts of life part 2 and looking at the MBCA Girls Poll
One reader asked me how I started the ratings model of girl's high school, so I thought I would go through the process. Along with that explanation, I put ratings to the Girl's Missouri Basketball Coaches Association poll. You have to start somewhere, so I started with Kirkwood girls and gave them a 120 rating. I rated all of their opponents (up or down depending on the outcome vs Kirkwood). I focused on class 5, 4 and 3 teams initially and then found a few St. Louis area class one and two. Once I had them rated, I compared their opponents to add additional teams to the model. That process allowed me to get most of the teams in St. Louis area rated (to varying degrees) and then I had to find teams from other parts of the state that had played St. Louis teams. Once I had a few teams in Kansas City and Springfield and Bootheel, I could start to rate outstate teams. When you get to the smaller class schools, it is a little like a treasure hunt, finding tea...